About Us

     WelderMade.com is an American company that is proud to provide a service that is truly “WelderMade”. Every aspect of our company is WelderMade with our projects designed by, laser cut by, boxed by, and shipped by a professional who makes a living in the welding industry.

     As professionals in the welding industry, the folks at WelderMade pin-pointed a solution to provide exceptional products and projects to people in the welding industry. Many of our customers either own or have access to welding equipment to produce welds of various types, but not the capability to cut and produce intricate shape parts for welding practice.

     With the products developed and provided by our company it allows the opportunity for welders of any skill level, to focus and practice on increasing their welding skills. Our projects are precision laser cut for exceptional quality, dimensional accuracy, and perfect joint fit-up and alignment giving you the perfect opportunity to practice various joint designs, configurations, and positions all combined on a single project that arrives at your doorstep.

    We hope you enjoy being part of the WelderMade family!